
terminal music player.

terminal music player picture

tsiangt ( \sǐaŋ\ ) means "sound" in Thai language, is an terminal music player written in Rust. seamlessly jump between your terminal workflow.

being tired of switching between Terminal window and typical Music player?. tsiangt is a my attempts to eliminate those frictions with basic features add song / play / pause / stop. img-1


set directory by -d "directory-path", otherwise tsiangt will automatically use default music's directory path depends on OS. see this for more details.


you'll feel at home if you're familiar with vim keybinding.

Operation Keybinding notes
add song to playlist (at library page) enter or return
play (at playlist page) enter or return
stop s
switch to playlist tab l
switch to library tab 2
switch to search tab 3 soon..
resume / pause spacebar
move-left h or arrow-left
move-right l or arrow-right
move-up k or arrow-up
move-down j or arrow-down



    Development ~