
static site generator, purely written in Rust.

skiff generator picture

a static site generator, written in Rust. traditionally, JavaScript is inevitable in modern web development. with technological acceleration, everything changes rapidly. we implicitly forced to catch up with the latest technology and discard outdated one.

to inherite Longtermism philosophy, solutioning for technological resilience and sustainability. by omitting JavaScript and only using plaintext database called indental(with slightly modifications) and tablatal to generate HTML/CSS. almost any device is able to intepret and display them hence the website generated by skiff is vary accessible. this (might) encourage to rethink about technological waste and responsibility for an environment.


  • add data content in /rustlib/database/lexicon.ndtl (example below).
  • add an cover image file in /media/images/*.(jpg|png) then add image data in /rustlib/database/journals.ndtl.(currently, database path is not configurable) then cargo run at rustlib folder.
  • skiff will manage to parse > link > build and outputs HTML file where it'll be located at /site
  • for additional details, create file name identical to entity in lexicon.ndtl eg. skiff.md the output file will be injected skiff.md after parsing lexicon.ndtl.

lexicon.ndtl   (indentation is matter.)

  HOST : home
  TYPE : index
  BREF : static site generator, purely written in Rust.
  YEAR : 2021
    <h2> a static site generator, written in {https://www.rust-lang.org/ Rust}. traditionally, JavaScript is inevitable in modern web development. with technological acceleration, everything changes rapidly. we implicitly forced to catch up with the latest technology and discard outdated one.</h2>  
    source : https://github.com/karnpapon/skiff
key indent desc notes
SKIFF 0 the output filename will be generated by this keyword space is not allowed. use hyphen instead.
HOST 2 name of parent default is home. -
TYPE 2 type of the keyword "index" or "unindex" "unindex" will not be shown at home page (directory list). use case is "about"
BREF 2 short description. -
YEAR 2 define year here. -
TAGS [2, 4] tags for related keyword, tag name should be on the newline with 4 indentations. -
STACK [2, 4, 6] stack title should be on the newline with 4 indentations. (optional) sub-level = newline with 6 indentations. this will be displayed on right column at details level page. -
BODY [2, 4] body content details should be on the newline with 4 indentations. this will be displayed after an cover image at details level page. -
SOURCE [2, 4] url content details should be on the newline with 4 indentations. this will be displayed on right column at details level page. -


0000 - skiff 12021 skiff_generator
Keyword notes
0000 date for logging system, currently not being used.
skiff keyword to link to lexicon.ndtl entities.
12021 image name at /media/images/*.(jpg|png)
skiff_generator image description use in alt image's attribute and will be displayed beneath cover image at details level page.

inspired by Oscean from Hundred Rabbits



    Development ~